... Transaction Error Short $00.00
Not enough Money

This is a simulation of our Economy

**Tip: Buy stock when its low and sell when it is high**

Press [B] to buy and [S] to sell and [Q] to quit


Buy Power: $XXX

Your shares: X

Average Buy price: $XXX

Portfolio Value: XXX

Dear User,
Thank you for operating the simulator. Your total portfolio value was $XX.XX and you made XXX transactions. Click [r] to play again or [f] to send us feedback. This game was made in part by a small team of smart people at ®Virginia Tech Universty. Like the project? concider donating by Venmoning @Henry-Macht.
- Tip (1): play the long game by keeping the browser open the whole day or week, im think this economy grows at 2%, not sure tho.
- Tip (2): Play the short game. Quickly buy as many shares as you can and then when it ticks up a little sell them all, repete this process. Its fun to race your friends with this method ;)
The Creators